Saturday, July 27, 2024

There’s No Way Hope, NATO, and Flat Tax: Here Are the Fifteen Points of the Center Right


The center-right election campaign for the September 25 elections was officially launched. Actually, yesterday The alliance provided fifteen program pointson which Meloni, Salvini and Berlusconi will base their executive actions, should the policies of next month be won.

center right program

The program is essentially divided into three main equities: Flat and presidential tax and the rejection of the hope pandemic systemmade up of closures and restrictions.

Under the first profile, Salvini’s proposal for years, everything aims to “reduce the tax burden on families, businesses and the self-employed”. Flat tax will be extended To “VAT figures of up to 100,000 euros in sales”, accompanied by “Reduction in the tax wedge in favor of companies and workers”

To read the full programme, click here

On the other hand, on the one hand, the presidential system, which is a typical Melonian proposal, is proposed by the center-right Direct election to the House of Representatives, Justice reform and the Chinese Communist Party, which rejected with the referendum, due to lack of a quorum, as well as the implementation of the “already begun path to the recognition of autonomy.” This goes with it Legal simplification procedureconsisting of amendments to the Procurement and Criminal and Civil Trials Law.

On the epidemiological side, the Italian center-right will develop an approach based on “promoting virtuous behaviors and structural modifications – such as controlled mechanical ventilation and
transport promotion – Without pressure on individual libertiesIn this case, a clear distinction will be drawn with the sanitary approach applied in this biennium, consisting of green lanes, a violation of the most basic liberties of unpollinated and creeping closures.

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middle right Atlantic

central too The energy self-sufficiency challenge, with the aim of creating “natural gas wells with a view to the sustainable use of the resources”, even defining the position of the future Italy in the world. A country led by the right would be “a whole part of Europe, NATO and the West.” However, recognition of EU membership will not be jeopardized Objective of the revision of the “Stability Pact Rules”. and economic governance”, as well as “protecting national interests in discussing European legislative files”.

Among other measures, we remember back to Salvini’s safety decreesto combat illegal immigration; Increasing the single check and increasing the cash limit.

Matteo Milanesi, August 12, 2022


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