Saturday, July 27, 2024

Space-time crystals, a scientist proposes a new approach to solving an old problem


Diagram showing the formation of a “normalized mixed space-time” (credit: HARI PADMANABHAN, PENN STATE)

Relativity tells us that space and time can mix to form a single entity called space-time, which is four-dimensional: three spatial axes and one time axis. However, something on the time axis stands out like a sore thumb. American in connection with a new study he conducted and published in the journal Acta Crystallographica A..[1][2]

In fact, the scientist explains that he has developed a new formula for solving what is actually a question that has been discussed for several decades regarding the understanding of spacetime, a question born with Einstein’s theory of general relativity. To solve this question, physicists have learned to work with negative values ​​in relation to time values, but this means that spacetime itself cannot be calculated using Euclidean geometry but only using hyperbolic geometry, which is much more complicated.[1]

In this new mathematical approach, Gopalan blurs the differences between space and time by removing the problem proofs for the negative sign and throwing what could be considered a “bridge” between the two figures. “More than 100 years ago, there was an effort to put space and time on the same level,” Gopalan explains. “But it didn’t really happen because of this minus sign. This research removes this problem at least in special relativity. Space and time are really on the same level in this work.”[1]
Time crystals are hypothetical physical structures in which the state of matter can change over time, and again over time, the different states can repeat themselves as a kind of dance. Gopalan’s new approach will explore a new class of spacetime crystals where the same space and time can mix.[1]

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“Suppose I am on Earth while you travel to the space station, and we are both witnessing an event like a flying comet,” Gopalan explains. “You measure when and where I saw it, and I measure the event itself, and then we compare observations. So I adopt your time measurement as my measure, but keep the original spatial measurement of the comet. You in turn adopt my measurements of time as yours, but keep your spatial measure of the comet. A mathematical view, if we do this merging of our measurements, the annoying minus sign disappears. “

Notes and Insights

  1. Space-time crystals proposed by putting space and time equal | Pennsylvania State University (he is)
  2. (he is(Doi: 10.1107 / S2053273321003259)

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