Saturday, July 27, 2024

Salone Risparmio: born FRVision, the digital channel Assogestioni – Risparmio & Investimenti


(ANSA) – MILAN, July 08 – About two months after Salone del Risparmio 2021, which will return to MiCo in Milan from September 15-17, Assogestioni is focusing on innovation to explain the changes taking place in the information world. And so FR| . was born Vision (, the interactive video streaming platform aimed at asset management professionals, which on the occasion of its launch will broadcast exclusively, live and on-demand, all conferences of the eleventh edition of the ‘Event. With Vision, viewers will be able to earn training credits, interact with questions and comments, participate in polls and communicate directly.

The platform was born “Big” thanks to the presentation of content, a community of more than 40,000 professionals, and the development of proprietary formats that use languages ​​inspired by the world of visual journalism and entertainment. Among the companies in the sector that have already joined are Axa Investment Managers, Credit Suisse, M&G Investments, Pictet Asset Management and Pimco.

“With FR | Vision, physical and digital will coexist and complement each other to create a more comprehensive, interactive and long-lasting offering,” comments Jean-Luc Gatti, Director of Communications at Assogestioni. (handle).

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