Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police intervene on the 6th day of a rave party in Viterbese


Police intervention in the Rave Party area on Lake Messano, in the Witterbo area. Substantial vehicles left the shores of Lake Messano at night. At the unmanned Viterbo exit gates, event participants were identified. There are currently about a hundred vehicles and about 250 people. So far, no significant issues related to public order and security have been recorded. This was announced by the Viterbo Police Headquarters. Early in the morning, when Viterbo reported to police headquarters, police approached the meeting place and checked for a low presence at the scene; The remaining individuals are identified and called to leave. “The pressure mediating function that progresses from the start of the event, along with the constant monitoring of access areas to the site – which is included – has allowed participants in this effort a limited elimination”.

Salvini’s attack came in the form of: “Lamorges must explain to the Italians what he is doing to protect health and safety.” Even in terms of landing, we have surpassed 35,000 this year. As for Ray – he said on Connolly 5 – we heard explanations for several days and thankfully they intervened. But there are comrades from all over Europe, and when that happens they choose Italy. Discos are closed and hundreds of entrepreneurs are in trouble. Something had to be done and if it had happened when I was a minister I would have killed myself, ”he added.

Some of the attendees of the false Maxi Rave party that has been going on in Valentino (Vitterbo) since August 13, last night at the historic center of neighboring Pitcliano (Crochetto) are packed with tourists these days. According to what Rave has learned among veterans, some have run out of food, are looking for food, while someone has camped out on public streets and slept, while others have no way to return to their native places and are waiting for services to resume. Tomorrow morning tax (bus). The situation is calm but is being observed by the authorities.

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The exit from the ravine began – Mayor Giovanni Gentle explained – and some of the participants came to the town of Pitclyano. The less organized ones, without camps, without caravans, left the ravine. They often run out of supplies. The organizers had planned to do the rave for the last ten days, but we hope that it will end immediately, and there are agreements working in this direction. ”


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