Saturday, July 27, 2024

Men and Women’s Expectations 9/22/9: Guests of Chiara Rabe and David Donady in the studio, a historic lady returning to the hall


A new episode of men and women is being recorded at these hours. Thanks to UominieDonneClassicoeOver’s Instagram profile friends, here are the first previews:

In the studio, guests Chiara and David were telling the end of their story, due to what had come days before in the studio was also present Roberta. At the end of the confrontation, Alessandro (the young man) invited Roberta out to get to know each other. From this, it is assumed that Roberta will remain in the throne (so it is not known, see tomorrow) if she decides to accept Alexander’s proposal.

Classic Throne Predictions: Federica is disappointed by a suitor during a tough overseas match
Clash with Tina who said “If you wait for George Clooney to come home”. After that, the columnist attacked her, telling Maria that Federica, according to her, would go the same way as Gemma.
Lavinia did an outside job with her fiancé last week
Eliminate Federica.

Expectations on the Throne: Also in today’s recording, there was a quarrel between Armando and Alessandro. A video was shown at the end of Federica and Riccardo’s latest recent recording, telling him that if she wanted to woo him she should sit on the classic throne. In the end he said no.

For Pinocchia, a gentleman came in earlier recordings but they discussed knowledge and therefore good knowledge.

Ricardo interferes between Alessandro and Ida, followed by Edda’s fight against Ricardo in which Armando also intervenes, telling Ricardo that he is taking “columns” from all sides (first from Federica and then from Ida).

For those who ask me, between LDA and Alessandro “it’s over” no continuation.


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