Saturday, July 27, 2024

Light, home-made sushi, very low in carbs and delicious: you'll fall in love with it at first bite


Sushi without rice –

Discover a simple, light and delicious recipe for making sushi at home, perfect for sushi lovers looking for a low-carb alternative.

Sushi, with its elegance and simplicity, has conquered tastes all over the world and has become… One of the most famous dishes of Japanese cuisine. Making sushi at home may seem like a daunting task, but with the right directions and a little patience, it is possible to prepare delicious, low-carb sushi.

This alternative Replace rice with cucumberoffers a light and fresh alternative, ideal for those on a low-carb diet or simply looking for a healthier option without sacrificing taste.

By following this recipe, you'll discover how to prepare delicious low-carb salmon sushi that will enchant everyone at first bite. Each roll contains 0.8 grams of carbohydrates, 3.6 grams of fat, 6.3 grams of protein, and 60 calories..

This recipe is a perfect example of how to enjoy delicious pleasures Sushi in a lighter and healthier versionWithout compromising the taste. Try it and be surprised at how good it is!

Ingredients for 8 homemade sushi rolls

To realize 8 low carb sushi rolls You will need:

  • 3 large cucumbers, which will serve as a base instead of rice, significantly reducing the carbohydrate content.
  • 150 grams of smoked salmon for its strong flavor and soft texture.
  • 100 grams of spreadable cheese, preferably protein, to add creaminess and enrich the dish with proteins.
  • 1 avocado, known for its healthy fats and creaminess.
  • 1 tomato, a touch of freshness and colour.

These components not only guarantee Balanced intake of nutrients But they also offer a wide range of flavors that complement each other perfectly.

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Homemade sushi recipe
Avocado and salmon –

How to prepare homemade sushi: procedure

The process of making this sushi begins with preparing the cucumbers: wash them and then cut them into thin slices using a mandolin or potato peeler. Leave the slices wrapped in absorbent paper for 10-15 minutesUntil it dries well. Next, arrange the slices on the baking sheet, using the braiding method to create a solid base. Spread the cream cheese along the entire length of the braided slices, then add the salmon, avocado and tomatoes along only half the length.

Gently roll the whole thing onto itself and wrap the roll in a sheet of cling film. Let it rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour. After resting, your low-carb sushi is ready to be cut and served. Not only is this recipe delicious, it's also surprisingly easy to make, making it perfect for a special dinner or social event.


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