Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kabul looks like a deserted city. Emergency Certificate


AGI – a ghost town, with few people on the streets and a large number of checkpoints to check that there are not many cars around. It is the Kabul that he tells Alberto ZaninHospital medical coordinator Emergency From the Afghan capital, who gave his testimony from the camp via video.

Compared to a week ago Acceptance It looks empty, there are not many people around, even car traffic is less, the city is in good shape, you can walk around you can see many trucks and many checkpoints,” stressed Zenin. The situation at the airport and in its immediate surroundings, on the other hand, “ Chaos is still going on” and there were several reports of “shooting incidents and injuries.” Zanin continued, “The rest of the city is safe, and the situation has remained stable for the past 48 hours. In the past 24 hours, we have received 15 patients, which is a rather low rate.”

Regarding the other governorates, Zenin explained that “the test of sunflowers in the conditions of the districts is the arrivals in the first aid centers, where the infected settle,” and in which there are no increases in the flows. “to me Lachkar Jah “The situation is much calmer,” Zanin added. “Five wounded were admitted in the last day.”

“A respectful conversation with the Taliban”

The new Afghan authorities have ensured “maximum cooperation” in emergency situations and “female staff of NGOs continue to operate as usual”. And Zanin continued: “Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet the current head of public health, who ensured us the maximum cooperation of the new Islamic emirate,” “We do not have exact contact with TalibanWe have had contacts with the director who interests us most, the current head of public health, who has introduced himself as Omar, but we don’t know if he will be the Minister of Health.”

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Emergency Hospital in Afghanistan Kabul Taliban

© Giulio Bisquetelli

Operating room in an emergency hospital in Kabul

Zanin explained that the first interview between the emergency students and the Quran students “goed very well and in a respectful manner on both sides,” “They have no intention of stopping our activity, the importance of the work that Emergencies are doing has been recognized. We have been in Afghanistan for 20 years. We are not concerned Especially about the possibility of doing our job.”

The reporter notes that the difficulties may come from a clash between the Taliban and the international community, which leads to the siege of funds and aid to Afghanistan. “We have taken the problem into account, now there are no particular critical issues but we thought we might find it difficult to supply ourselves sufficiently,” replied Zanin, “We have increased our stocks in a precautionary manner and have materials for three months in case the supply is completely blocked.”

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