Saturday, July 27, 2024

In the United States, priests have been misreading the formula for decades: Thousands must be rebaptized


The bug was discovered in mid-2021 Having made the appropriate checks, the Archdiocese’s Bishop, Thomas Olmsted, informed the faithful with an official message posted on the church’s website: “After careful consideration by diocese officials – we have read – and after consulting the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome” it was decided that The formula used by the parish priest “We baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”It cannot be considered acceptable For “it is not society that baptizes man,” said the bishop, “but Christ alone presides over all the sacraments, and therefore it is Jesus who baptizes.”

Therefore, everything will be reconstructed. “I am sincerely sorry – writes the bishop – that this error has caused the sacramental life to be interrupted for a certain number of believers. For this reason I pledge to take all necessary steps to rectify the situation for all those who have been injured.”

There are several hundred believers, given that Father Arango has been moving forward with his formula for more than two decades. And these people have arrived, again on the diocese’s website, Priest’s apology: “It saddens me to learn that I performed incorrect baptisms during my priestly ministry using an incorrect formula regularly. I am deeply sorry for my mistake.”

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