Saturday, July 27, 2024

In the center-right chaos in Verona, Sphorina Dosi has no – politics


Question and answer between Flavio Tocio and Georgia Meloni for not appearing in Verona. “Federico Sportina in Verona and Valerio Donado in Cadenzaro can count on full center-right support beyond the technical formulas of a partition that is substantial,” Meloni said in the afternoon.

“Especially in Verona, where there is no technical similarity, Fratelli d’Italia immediately guarantees full sharing of the project with Flavio TosiTo provide the city of Verona with a plan and a successful center-right team, “the Italian Brothers leader underlined in a statement.

Words that amazed Doshi. “I read Georgia Meloni’s note with surprise. Inaccurate deal due to Federico Sportina’s picksSo far he proves there is no unity in the heart, or a center-right win, “the former Northern League player said in the evening.” Luke, for example, cared about the candidate’s pledge where the whole coalition, the C ‘origin, was the only obvious tool in front of the electorate, as foretold by law “.

Dosi reiterated his position in a post on Facebook during the day. “We will only accept the official appearance, the only one required for the ballot law, in the sunlight. In this view our most voted and most voted center-right men and women should be elected to the city council, so elected and elected by the people,” he pointed out. “The palace and security arrangements were not of interest to us. No matter how we are treated as second-class allies, anti-democratic logic! “.” And disrespectful: like inviting yourself to dinner and sitting in the living room while your friends dine in the living room. Wardrobe “, he finished. Doshi.

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Sporina’s condition
“We have already talked to Georgia Maloney. It is clear that there was a conflict over the theme of the appearance, and then, as I have already told you, there was a choice I made, and we will continue,” he said. In Verona Federico Sportina, About the decision not to ally with Flavio Tosi for the second round of the municipality. I read somewhere that “I’ll close, I’m not closing anyone. This agreement is a program agreement because the technical aspects are not understood by the citizens of Veronese.” “.

Salvini’s reaction
Federico Sportina decides to lose to Forza Italia and Flavio Tosi on the ballot in Verona “That was a big mistake“According to League Secretary Matteo Salvini, he told reporters he heard both.” I hope the friends of the brothers in Italy will think again. Sunday’s vote – he added – was a “United Central-Right victory” and in Verona it is more than 60%.


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