Saturday, July 27, 2024

If we split now we will damage Italy –


Off Marco Cremonesi, Paola di Caro

Clarity: Achieve all objectives and win politics again

There was a need for clarification, and it was clarified. However, it remains to be seen whether this will help bring back a more relaxed climate among the majority, with all the subsequent delicate measures the government has to face. From here to the European Championships in June. At stake is the fate of the majority – whose resilience no one currently doubts – rather the weight of the coalition. From European alliances – and from those who are part of the Union’s governance – A lot depends on the political future and the core of each party.

And so an hour-long conversation between Georgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini found a meeting point. There are many issues on the table: administratively, knots need to be resolved in the candidatures for regional, European and governmental documents. While we were at it, The deadlock at the Council of Trentino was resolved, Fratelli d’Italia succeeded Francesca Gerosa as vice president.

But method at this point is more important than anything else. It is distilled from Palazzo Sigi The chat took place in a “very calm” atmosphereIt was reiterated that “the unity of the majority is the answer to the citizens: this is the only thing that is needed to continue to govern and to think about doing so in the future.” Then, a short walk to drink a coffee, casual style photos. Contrary to what we sometimes read, plastic proofs that everything should happen among the majority of leaders. The best human relationship, beyond some differences between allies, is the physiology of politics. The objective declared by the staff who did not attend the meeting of the two leaders was to “achieve all the objectives of the electoral program with the ambition to win the political elections again at the end of the normal term of the legislature”.

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Moreover, Meloni was very clear on this, despite differences in positions and accents, even in the negotiations on a new stability pact, cannot give the impression that Italy is divided or too “weak” in Europe. “Italy can only be counted on when united,” he repeated, adding that Europe today cannot be attacked head-on. Meloni’s line, reiterated to Salvini, was that the FdI would work “to build a centre-right majority in Europe”, as the Northern League leader continued to declare. But what to see. Could Salvini break away from the far-right and unite with the conservatives? The gathering now organized in Florence is very difficult. Then: Can it be opened to liberals? This is also difficult. One of Salvini’s strong points – in the form of slogans, memes and countless declarations – is “never with Macron”.

Of course Votes will be decisive in determining the next majority And Meloni did not want to say much about which parties he might ally with. But the ally warned very clearly that “we should not be pulled by the jacket by those who want to divide us during the election campaign”. In essence, there should be no room for controversy by raising the tone or attacking each other, as Salvini has done in recent days, otherwise “we will all lose ourselves”. There is no government document on the table, the league swears. Also, they explain that “no one wants to make diplomatic cases” because the Italian secretary, Antonio Tajani, is absent.

The two leaders met on the sidelines of a meeting on Pnrr and the appointment was made via text message last Sunday. It was up in the air, but it was set on the day of the Sovereignty rally in Florence. Later, Salvini had no soft words for European Parliament President Roberta Metzola. The future EPP president of the EU Commission is on good terms with the Italian prime minister, who met yesterday shortly after Meloni’s face-to-face meeting with Salvini. However, Metzola tells Bruno Vespa that he does not take Salvini’s statements as “personal criticism”.

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December 7, 2023 (Modified on December 7, 2023 | 07:27)


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