Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here are the names of the new tenants who will enter the house on Monday Other Gods.


GF Vip: Here are the names of the new tenants who will be entering the house on Monday Other Gods. This statement came during the live broadcast, Friday, from Alfonso Signorini Which announced the entry of new competitors.

Read also> GF VIP Episode 20 Live: New VIP Entry Monday

Next Monday at home Big Brother will introduce new VIPsTo announce it, Alfonso Signorini: «On Monday new competitors will enter but they will not be the only ones, at least ten others will enter. Among other things, the contestants do not know that Big Brother will not end in December but in March.”

There is no official name but according to the rumors prevailing these days, they will be ready to enter: Maria Monsi and Patricia Pellegrino above all. Their quarantine has been talked about everywhere, but among the predictions for entry, if not Monday there will also be Vera Gemma, Natalie Caldonazzo (dagospia source).

Also among the possible participations are the return of Valeria Marini and some tronistri such as Giulio Rasselli and Giulia Cavaglia. As we said, these are just crap, we’ll have to wait until Monday for the official names.

Last update: Saturday 20 November 2021, 00:48

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