Monday, October 14, 2024

European: Bonino, '24/2 Convention for United Nations of Europe, No Sum of Parties'


Rome, 31 Jan. “The results of the European elections next June in Italy, one of the countries electing the most MEPs, will be decisive for the European balance over the next five years. Underscoring the urgency and importance of this, my proposal to the United States of America for a European revolution points the way forward as the only possible scenario for resuming the European Union, our common destiny. . Always. To expand the field beyond the dynamics of party coalitions, Più Europa will organize a conference in Rome on February 24, open to all who want to share this project of mine and ours. A European revolution is needed.” Thus Emma Bonino in an article Sol 24 ore.

“This will be an opportunity to put the issue of European integration at the center of the upcoming election campaign, regardless of the logic of table agreements on the consolidation of small parties or the revival of the ill-fated, failed Third Pole project. +Europe is working towards a goal for the United States, with candidates that include everything that the European project represents in terms of rights and freedoms”.

“I am determined to ensure that there is a pro-European majority in the next European Parliament, excluding the possibility of a nationalist and sovereignist one. Because these European elections are very important and we have to work hard to see the chances of Brussels above all the Italian issues with everyone who wants to be there.”


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