Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dukin’s Daughter’s Last Push – Mondo’s Last Push ‘Dragon’s Servant of the USA’


Mario Draghi is a “quisling”, a “collaborator” of the Americans, and the only real chance for Italians in the elections of the 25th is to vote for the ‘Italian Sovereign and Popular’ party. Rizzo and Ingroia : An attack on the former prime minister was published four days ago on a website run by Daria Dukina, the daughter of Vladimir Putin’s ideologue, who was killed in an attack in Russia.
In an article published in the United World International (Uwi) and signed by Fabrizio Verde, “The Italy of Draghi, with its blind servitude towards America, has contributed to the current collapse of Europe, bringing it to a brink. Economic, political, social crisis “. The motivation “of political elites who have decided to follow Washington’s orders and launch themselves against Russia, an essential energy supplier for almost all of Europe.”
As for Italy’s future prospects, the article says, “no change in outlook,” even if the center-right wins.
Because “Giorgia Meloni, like other leaders, was in a hurry to declare her faith in the Atlantic Alliance, which seemed necessary to rule in Italy”.
On Daria Dukina’s website, Italians should focus on “sovereign and popular Italy, including some organizations such as the Communist Party, Angora Italia, Restorative Italy”: an alliance that is considered “the only alternative to a liberal, warmongering and sanitary dictatorship”. “One of the priorities is the expulsion of Italy from NATO, the European Union, the Euro and the WHO. It also includes an immediate end to arms shipments to the Ukrainian regime and economic sanctions against Russia”.
Daria Dukina was sanctioned by the United States in March for her position as director of United World International, considered by Washington a pro-Kremlin disinformation and propaganda platform.

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