Saturday, July 27, 2024

Daniele accepts a suitor, and the knight leaves the studio


Today in the studios of Maria De Filippi's dating show, new episodes were recorded that we will see in the coming weeks: this is what happened.

new Previews On rings men and women, was recorded today and is scheduled to take place in the next few weeks. Let's discover together the latest news regarding the events that took place in the studios of the program he presents Maria de Filipethe. Previews, which contain spoilers, were revealed by Lorenzo Pugnaloni through his Instagram profile.

Previews of Classic Throne and Men's and Women's Throne: Recordings on April 8

During one of two hours of recording, the equivalent of an episode, Ida Platano He was the center of attention. The tronista took them both outside SuitorsMario Cusitore and Pierpaolo Ciano.

The clip is with her Loudspeaker The radio program in Naples was particularly interesting and important, even if, on her return to the studio, Platano wanted to emphasize that she often failed to recognize a suitor's commitment to her.

In the second part of the recording dedicated to the classical throne, tronista Daniele Bodis He spent time outdoors with both Gaia and Marika, the latter also getting her start Kiss. in the studio, Gaia He showed disappointment when seeing the scene.

The young Neapolitan has Copied Claims to be careful to respect Gaia during these first outside meetings, especially since the suitor has a daughter at home. This situation is annoying MarikaWho preferred to leave the studio.

Unlike other tronistas, Daniele He did not follow up The suitor in the locker rooms. Bodis reiterated that he did not do or say anything particularly dangerous Limited To talk and discuss with Jaya

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Men and women danielle tronista

Daniele's first kiss is during the field trip with Marika

In the window designated for The throne is aboveMarcelo Messina and Diego Tafani are out Jessica. In the second, the lady particularly enjoyed it, as she herself stated during the session. Vice versa with MarceloNothing happened spontaneously and the approach was not the best.

Marcelo Messina

Marcelo Messina left the Men's and Women's studio during an altercation with Jasna

In the middle of the discussion between Marcelo, Diego and Jessica, Holy Amodia He made some statements about Messina, and the two were engaged in the past. At this point the knight decided so Leave I study.


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