Saturday, July 27, 2024

Comet Satan can be seen from Earth this week


the Satan's comet It becomes visible again later 71 years old From Earth and can be admired in our skies until April 21, 2024. Comet 12B/Pons-BrooksIts official name is a huge celestial body, estimated at about 30 kilometers in diameter and still of interest to scientists today.

the Satan's cometIn fact, it is still witnessing explosions that scientists do not yet fully understand, due to their frequency and the distance from the sun at which they occur.

Some comets, such as 12P/Pons–Brooks, pass close to Earth at a distance of millions of kilometers, a relatively short distance in astronomical terms, making them visible to the human eye, or nearly so, without the need to resort to large telescopes. A fairly rare event.

The last time a comet was clearly seen at any latitude, after sunset, was in March 1997 And he was the culprit Hill bobIt remained visible for several days and then moved away to our solar system. Now, in March 2024 12B/Pons BrooksWhich fascinates astronomers and enthusiasts around the world.

Although the comet is not visible to the naked eye, it can be easily seen with the appropriate tools. Here's what you need to know about the comet and how to observe it.

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, what it is and why it is called Satan's Comet

Discovery July 12, 1812 By astronomer Jean-Louis Pons, comet 12b/ponce brooks It is a periodic comet whose passage occurs almost every day 71 years oldIt was also discovered by William Robert Brooks, a scientist who saw it again on its next approach to the Sun.

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Therefore, Satan's Comet is part of the most famous comet family Haleywhich also passed by Earth in this case in March 1986. During the current pass, it passed Cometa 12B/Pons-Brooks It has shown significant increases in called splendor outburstOne of his somewhat distinctive features is constant outbursts.

Explosions of ice and gas that caused increased brightness and a permanent change in the tail. In fact, last July, astronomers observed the “eruption” of Comet 12P, after which the comet's expanded coma took on a special bifurcated shape, resembling a horseshoe or horns. Hence his nickname “The Devil's Comet.”

Some of these photos were taken by Virtual telescope project, operating in Manciano, in the Grosseto region. As the astrophysicist explained Gianluca Massiscientific director of Virtual telescope project The world-famous and well-known face of Geo & Geo. And if one of its sudden brightness increases coincides with a solar eclipseApril 8The comet may also be visible with the naked eye, or nearly so.

Devil's Comet: How and when to observe it

As previously mentioned Comet 12P It will not be visible with the naked eye but it is enough to have one Endoscopes To be able to observe the comet during its transit. But when and where can they be admired in the sky?

If the comet is visible on March 12 among the stars of the constellation AndromedaNow it is a good idea to write down the following dates:

  • March 22: 12P/Pons-Brooks passes within 3 degrees of the Windmill Galaxy (representing the best stage for photography experts);
  • March 26-27: The comet moves from the constellation Pisces to the constellation Pisces'AriesPassing near Al Hamal, which is the brightest star in the constellation and an excellent reference point for observation;
  • March 31: 12P/Pons-Brooks is less than 0.5° from Hamal.
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However, at the beginning of April, the comet could become faintly visible to the naked eye, as viewing from the hemisphere will become increasingly difficult from the middle of that month. The hope is that the comet will encounter a new comet outburst During an eclipseApril 8 So you can enjoy it in the sky in all its splendor.

But for those who did not have the opportunity to observe this astronomical spectacle in time, it will be there Virtual telescope projectIt is a very technologically advanced structure that recorded the comet's passage on March 12, and it cannot be ruled out that it will do so again.

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