Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Big Brother, Al Jazeera and Beijing Express? Here's what was the hardest reality show


Marco Maddalonithe former protagonist of the seventeenth edition of Big brotherHe talked about his adventure inside the reality show house that he hosted Alfonso Signorini. The former Givino in particular explained what the most difficult “TV experience” was for him. The judoka, who left Big Brother voluntarily after losing his father-in-law, said he had previously participated in Celebrity Island and Beijing Express.

Marco Maddaloni sayings

«TV is beautiful because it highlights you, just like sport when you go to fight and there are ten thousand people watching you – Marco Maddalone explained to SuperGuida TV -. TV is the same. “You walk into an enclosure where a lot of people are looking at you, and it's a bit like that selfishness that athletes have, especially in individual sports.”

“Big Brother was the most difficult reality show but only because of the timing issue. It went on for a longer time, and if I had told you, “I don’t have children, and this is the most difficult,” I would have told you Celebrity Island. However, the Beijing Express is where I had the most fun. I have won two reality shows and participated in Made in Sud several times but I have never received the comments I receive with Big Brother.” The former Givino concluded: “Before, out of ten people on the street, three would stop you, today they stop you seven.” On social media “Before you could write a story and only a certain number of people would see it, today 120,000 people see every story. It's a really different media response.”

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