Saturday, July 27, 2024

Autigno and new waste stations, Cobas: “priority for 60 unemployed people”


BRINDISI – The Cobas union will meet by videoconference tomorrow morning (Tuesday 5 April 2022) the Regional Employment Committee led by President Leo Caroli, Municipal Administration of Brindisi, Regional Waste Agency, to evaluate part of the regional news related to the possibility of building new plants and reclamation of the Autigno landfill and from On the other hand to bring back the previously dismissed unmarried workers to their jobs the former Termomeccanica, ex Evc, ex Bpsp was added, for a total of about 60 unemployed.

“We remember that people who were dismissed from Nobile – reads a note signed by the regional secretary of Cubas Brindisi, Roberto Abril – and then lost their jobs due to the legal process of their legal representative. A recruitment solution has been built over the years through the patience of the regional head of recruitment, Leo Caroli With our humble contribution.

“A special list has been drawn up in the Labor Office – continues Cobas press release – for the unemployed from various historical conflicts in our region from which to draw for new factories, but also during construction if there are any suitable professional profiles. At the moment of special professional attraction, from What is important is to have clear ideas about the state of the art in technology, while also taking into account some of the concerns of the municipal administration of Brindisi about the possible financing of some of the factories, which were presented to us during a meeting with the municipal director.”

“Brindisi – concludes April – cannot lose any potential waste cycle funding and we will repeat this to the regional waste agency led by attorney Grandaliano. 60 families have been waiting for years.”

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Update: Due to the Territory’s sudden ministerial commitments, the meeting has been postponed to April 22


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