Saturday, July 27, 2024

“At Palazzo, give space to all the local artists”


“Why is the work of a small group of artists exhibited in the museum housed in the Sala dei Miti in the Palazzo Sartoretti in Reggiolo without involving other local artists associated with the city?”. This is the message sent to the administration of the Municipality of Reggio by a large group of artists, convinced that their works too can be part of the cultural and artistic sphere of the Palazzo Sartoretti, the historical building that has finally returned to use since the past. The year it became the Town Hall after costly restoration and redevelopment work following the earthquake.

“We ask,” reads the letter sent to the local public body, “that they be included with our works in the Salone dei Miti Museum in the Palazzo, by donations to be agreed upon.” Therefore, the works will be donated to the Municipality of Reggiolo, without any disbursement of public money.

“We have been making this request for some time – confirms Ugo Aldrovandi, spokesman for the group – but so far we have not had answers. That is why we decided to write a letter, with the signatures of the participating artists, in the hope that we will soon see our wish fulfilled”.

The document was signed with the request for donation and the presentation of various works also by Euticchia, Marino Aldrovandi, Milena, Vanna Becchi, Claudio Bianchini, Marcellina Lorenzini and Alfonso Merzi, with other names added later from the artistic and cultural scene of the local territory. Aldrovandi also suggested donating rare pieces of history associated with the world of schools, including notebooks, books, stationery, a ballpoint pen, an inkwell…

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“They could be part of a small museum in the village school, like the one they created in Guastalla. But even in this case – says Ugo Aldrovandi – we have not received any answers from the city council”.


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