Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“I hope to meet Putin soon.”

US President Joe Biden hopes to be able to meet Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin soon, despite the enhanced presence of Russian forces on the...

In the United Kingdom, Labor lost the important Hartlepool Parliament seat they had held for decades

One of the first results The main election day is Thursday in the UK It was in Hartlepool, in the north-east of England, that...

GB rating: Torey snatches workers seat, 1 / rewards Johnson-World Challenge

The first blow by Boris Johnson in the local elections that took place yesterday in the United Kingdom, the largest ever in the disqualified...

In the UK, voting is not only in Scotland

Today, Thursday May 6, much of the UK...

Fisheries after Brexit, the United Kingdom and France deploy military ships off the island of Jersey. European Union: “London is in violation of...

A new front of confrontation between France e United kingdomWhich is consumed in water Gagging Because Brixi. In the center of the question...


