Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Astronauts See When They Reenter Earth’s Atmosphere, This Video Gives Them Chills


Exciting video recorded by astronauts as they returned to Earth aboard a Soyuz spacecraft from the International Space Station

Have you ever wondered what astronauts see when they return from… International Space Station (Orbiting at an altitude of 400 kilometers) at the end of their mission? Well, you will see thanks to a video recorded by a Russian space capsule. SoyuzWhen astronauts return from the International Space Station, their capsule enters the atmosphere at a speed of more than 27,000 kilometers per hour. When they look out the window, this is what they see.:


For more information: Earth’s atmosphere, what it is and what it consists of

The Earth has a rich and homogeneous atmosphere. Scientists have traditionally divided it into In 5 layers: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere. These shots are taken from a NASA video on the International Space Station. The sparks are the result of the enormous amount of heat (about 1650 degrees Celsius) that builds up. On the surface of the Soyuz capsule Because of the pressure of the atmospheric gases that it causes during landing (the astronauts are protected from all this heat thanks to a heat shield facing Terra As the capsule passed through the atmosphere). Shortly after, a series of parachutes and descent engines deployed, slowing the vehicle before it touched down on the steppes of Kazakhstan (Regarding the Soyuz spacecraft).

source: NASA, Fox

See also  Sirius, Psychological Effects of Life in Space


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