Monday, September 16, 2024

Uber Eats takes the record


Food delivery, first delivery in space: The story of Uber Eats as the protagonist is nothing short of amazing.

Italy from space (NicolElino AdobeStock)

Space and the galaxy have always aroused a great fascination with men: when we raise our eyes to the sky we see something unique and the desire to see new things rises within us.

For years, man has been carrying out various expeditions to analyze the universe and study the properties of the planets, stars and black holes that surround us.

Moreover, even the richest and most powerful men on Earth a few months ago organized “mini tours”. Billionair Jeff Bezos It occupied the front pages of all the newspapers in the world because it crossed the boundaries of the sky and opened space tourism.

Even Yusaku Maezawa, in a completely special way, went into space with his assistant Yozo Hirano. With that, the Japanese billionaire decided to go down in history by doing something truly unexpected.

The first food delivery in space: Uber Eats supremacy

Maezawa’s purpose is related to space tourism: with private investment he has completed this assignment where he will be photographing and taking pictures of wonderful things.

The first food delivery in space
Tera (Photo by Marcel AdobeStock)

Magnate also turned out to be an exceptional racer, making what could easily be considered the first delivery in space.

In cooperation with the Japanese was Uber Eats, an online food delivery service. For a few years now, on the street, you can easily see men rocking bikes with the American company logo.

But this time, Uber left the terrestrial frontier to launch directly into space, and Yusaku personally delivered the Japanese plates to astronauts on the International Space Station.

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It was delivered a few days ago, to be exactDecember 11 at 9:40 amThe man covered 400 kilometers in 8 hours and 34 minutes.

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The first food delivery in space
Space moon image (Photo by R. Tavani, AdobeStock)

The CEO of Uber is over the moon. “Small step for Yusakuy Maezawa, big delivery for Uber Eatsher words.


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