Saturday, September 7, 2024

Two figures in the theft trial


Investigation – An operation that started from Verona, thanks to the local police and the carabiner of San Giovanni Lupadoto (Verona). A criminal organization that specializes in a number of crimes, including theft from the elderly, housing and robbery. Investigations began in mid-October, when the army stopped a vehicle for a search and found documents and keys to other cars inside. The items contained a certificate of title in the name of 50-year-old Milanese, one of two women. Vehicles belonging to him were already circulating in the areas where the burglary incidents took place in several houses.

Gang implemented mechanismBoth women were registered in one or two vehicles per dayTo accumulate a total of 160. Several cars were in financial custody And subject to sales ban. The local police cross-linked the data with the Office of the Attorney General’s Office in Milan, where a list of related crimes emerged, namely, false evidence and opposition to public officials, obtaining stolen goods, unlawful possession of weapons and goods. Theft. So the Lombard capital’s judiciary issued a move to block the registry office for two women, making other fictional topics impossible.

Seized vehicles – The cars have been confiscated and the two women have already been charged with fraud against the state. Since the beginning of 2019, 16 figureheads have been detected by the Verona local police, and more than a thousand vehicles have been canceled in Bravo. Like the two Milanese women, the crimes or offenses associated with these cars with fictitious records are usually not fined, amounting to more than one million euros in total, related to speed cameras or Ztl violations, but also road theft. , With persons injured in serious accidents missing.

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