Palermo, weather forecast for Sunday 12 December 2021. Rainy day, minimum temperature 12 ° C, maximum 14 C
Weather Forecast Palermo
Palermo, Sunday 12 December: Mostly rainy day, minimum 12 ° C, maximum 14 C. The maximum temperature during the day will be recorded at 11 am and 14 ° C, the minimum at 11 pm will be 12 ° C, the minimum freezing temperature will be 1320 m at 11 pm and the minimum snowfall will be 1120 m. At midnight. In the morning the wind will blow from the north-northwest at a speed of 22 kmph and from the north at a moderate speed of 20 kmph throughout the day. The highest solar intensity will be at 11 a.m. with a UV value of 0.5, equivalent to 225W / m2.
Monday, December 13thOn a clear or partly cloudy day, the minimum temperature is 11 ° C and the maximum is 14 C. Tomorrow the maximum temperature will be recorded at 1 pm and 14, C and the minimum will be 11 ° C at 7 am. The highest solar intensity is 12 with a UV value of 2.6, equivalent to 537W / m2.
Tuesday, December 14thCloudy or partly cloudy day with temperatures ranging from 12 to 15 C. In detail, scattered clouds in the morning, some clouds in the afternoon, clear sky in the evening. During the day the maximum temperature will be 14, C and the minimum will be 12 C with a moderate speed of about 15 km / hr in the north-north-east and 15 to 20 km / h in the evening with moderate intensity. The highest solar intensity is 12 with a UV value of 1.7 equivalent to 431W / m2.
Wednesday, December 15th: The day is characterized by small persistent clouds, with a minimum temperature of 11 ° C and a maximum of 15 C. The maximum temperature during the day will be 15 degrees Celsius at 1 pm and the minimum temperature will be 11 degrees Celsius at 10 pm. Winds will be weak at 8 kmph in the morning and weak at 8 kmph from the north-northeast throughout the day. The highest solar intensity is 12 with a UV value of 2.4 equivalent to 512W / m2.
Additional details and updates on the page Palermo weather
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