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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

The unbearable weight of mega talent gets a ‘new’ testimonial on Rotten Tomatoes

The unbearable weight of talent It was shown in American cinemas, meanwhile, on rotten tomatoes The film has been certified “Modern”. Even after previewing at SXSW, the film has 100% positive reviews, while it is currently sitting at 89%.

Here is the general verdict on the unbearable weight of the huge talent:

A clever, funny and highly imaginative film, this film presents Nicolas Cage in a crazy version, which matches well with Pedro Pascal’s capable performance to steal the show.

Among the individual critics’ judgments is that of Vanity Fair’s Richard Lawson, who defines the feature film as “something that explores Nicolas Cage’s notoriety, but also a statement of his charisma capable of making him a true star”.

Stephen Romy’s statement from The Australian is intriguing, as he asserts that The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is “the best two hours of entertainment I’ve had in the cinema in a long time now”. We also mention director Dan Murrell’s Dan Murrell Reviews, who defines the film as “one of the best companion comedies seen in recent times, and certainly one of the funniest.”

While among the negative reviews we find those of Ty Burr of Ty Burr’s Watch List who stated: “This is a very clever movie, but it’s just clever, and it steals ideas from the other best Cage movies.”