Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Greek minister in charge during the 2015 crisis mocks Germany: “Now that you have debt problems, sell them the islands.”


Selling islands in the North Sea to solve the debt crisis. This is the strategy he proposed to Germany Panagiotis Lavazzania former Greek minister in office 2015 under Alexis tripasquestioned before Tabloid German Bild. Same thing as in 2010 It was titled “Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks!”, in an article that accused Athens of putting the whole of Europe in trouble.

But today he is there Germany To address budgetary difficulties, following the advisor’s suggestion Olaf Schulz The transfer of resources allocated to anti-Covid measures to those allocated to climate has been canceled by a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court. After 13 years of the “very dangerous” advice of Build, The situation turned around and he became the former exponent of the Athenian left Lavazzanitoday 71 years oldHe spares no sarcasm in his analysis. “the government should Emergency taxation “Citizens and companies must solve the problem,” he told German media. “This will lead to a crisis in Germany, but you will not be able to raise money otherwise,” he continues. Then came the punchline: “Another solution is to sell public assets, such as islands, to raise large sums of money quickly.”

The minister’s sarcasm did not go unnoticed Tabloid So he asked himself whether a failing Germany should sell the islands Helgoland, Rogen or WanjirogAnd whether Finance Minister Christian Lindner will have to see his “island of the sun.” Celt“. In his comment, Lafazanis also raised troika, The body consisting of representatives of Bank middle European, International Monetary Fund And European Commission Which intervenes to implement rescue plans for European Union members that are experiencing economic crises. “If the Germans cannot control the situation, they will have to put themselves under the supervision of the Troika,” Lafazanis said. “At that point they will be forced to do so,” he concluded tersely.

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in the meantime Schulz He stressed that his government will ask the Bundestag for a new suspension of the constitutional provision known as the “debt brake,” which defines the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the use of extra-budgetary funds as a “new reality” that future governments will have to deal with. He added: “This ruling creates a new reality for the federal government and for all current and future governments, at the federal and regional levels.” “However, it is a reality that makes it difficult to achieve important and widely shared goals for our country.”


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