On the ground there glacier He said from the end of the worldIts nickname is not just due to its size. In fact, its dissolution would submerge coastlines around the world.
This is not a comfortable scenario, and unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly real. Climate change is putting pressure on all the world’s glaciers and so-called The Glacier of Revelation will not be able to escape this ignominious fate. One modern discovery Sound the alarm bells for A disaster Which seems to have been announced.
New discovery on Thwaites Glacier
The real name of the Apocalypse Glacier is Thwaites It is found in Antarctica. It alone contributes about 4% of the annual sea level rise. New discovery It has been suggested that the glacier could begin to fall into the ocean like a row of dominoes, with very serious consequences for coastal areas of the planet.
Thwaites drains a vast area of the Antarctic ice sheet, about 192,000 square kilometers, an area larger than the state of Florida. Once Thwaites begins to destabilize, it will eventually put nearby glaciers in West Antarctica at risk.
Many glaciers around Antarctica have huge floating extensions that slow the flow of ice into the ocean. With climate warming And they end up collapsing, sometimes very quickly. If the Thwaites ice shelf collapses, it will expose a very high ice shelf facing the ocean along its 120-kilometre front. There’s only so much force that ice can support, so if the shelf is too high, it will collapse into the ocean. Once that happens, a new ice shelf will be exposed behind it, and it will be even higher because it’s inland. The theory of ice shelf instability suggests that if the cliffs collapse quickly enough, domino effect From the slopes collapse one by one.
What is sea ice instability?
sea ice instability (sea ice shelf instability) small) is a concept relating to the potential rapid collapse of ice cliffs along the edge of glaciers. Ice cliffs have a limit to how much pressure they can withstand. If they become too tall, they may begin to collapse under their own weight.
Sea ice cover instability is a relatively new theory and is still Not fully verifiedas it has not yet been directly observed in action. However, it represents a potential mechanism that could contribute to rapid sea level rise if it occurs on a large scale.
In West Antarctica, some glaciers, including Thwaites, have been identified as potentially undergoing MISI, which shows increasingly rapid and gradual thinning. For example, the glacier was observed to Totten In recent decades, it has continued to lose mass at a steady rate, suggesting a rapid decline in the very near future.
The data collected does not allow us to sleep between two pillows. Rising sea levels will lead to catastrophic consequences Nor will it always be possible to equip ourselves with a lifeline, just as Moses did in Venice at high tide. In many areas, rising sea levels could permanently submerge low-lying land, making entire coastal communities uninhabitable. They will be there. Humanity’s Choices To determine how fast sea levels will rise over the next few decades.
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