Friday, September 20, 2024

The custom credit base changes


Not even at the time of publishing the ruling in the Official Gazette, which already announces changes until the closure Balance Transfer From Super Bonus. the Anti-fraud rule Appeared at the last minute in the text that was approved in the Cabinet last Friday, it came under the influence of most parties from the majority of parties. government. In the Senate, where the procedure will begin the conversion process, the changes have already been announced. The rule will certainly be “softened” by providing a longer transition period.

But let’s go in order. For some timerevenue agency I have mentioned this regarding the assignment of credits derived from bonus buildings Scams were proliferating. the prime minister himself, Mario DraghiHe explained that the “discovered” frauds had already amounted to 4 billion euros. In recent weeks, investigations by the judiciary and kidnappings by the Finance Police revealed a series of mechanisms used to collect non-existent credits. An investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome, then transferred to Foggia for jurisdiction, revealed a round of non-existent appropriations worth €1.250 billion. The Public Prosecutor of Naples identified, at once, 110 million more. The mechanism in both cases was credit transfers between various subjects before reaching their discount with the financial intermediaries. Precisely for this reason, the government decided to intervene by allowing one step: after discounting the invoice given to the customer, the company in turn could only transfer the credit to a bank. Changes of hands are not allowed. All contracts signed after February 7 that violate this rule, according to the government decree, are considered null and void. The February 7 deadline is the date that can be extended in the parliamentary paragraph to give companies more time to adjust and avoid liquidity problems.

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“We will work to change the law in Parliament,” said Diem Martina Nardi, head of the Chamber’s Productive Activities Committee. But Forza Italia, the Nordic League, Fratelli d’Italia and the Five Star Movement also announced adjustments to correct the shot. In short, it is hard to think that the mechanism introduced by the government could emerge unscathed from the parliamentary aisle. Ance builders also complained about the clampdown, asking to “stop continuous changes,” and Confedilizia, which confirmed through the mouth of President Giorgio Spaziani Testa how change “puts a magnifier in the wheel even for those who have no intention of fraud.”

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the other front

However, the multi-allocation of credits could help the government on another front, the European one. Indeed, the Statistical Office of the European Communities’ ruling on the super bonus is still pending: last June, the European Union’s statistical directorate provisionally agreed to consider the measure as a multi-year reduction in state revenue, defining it though it is a “border case” and retained a study suffix. It was precisely the possibility of using the facilities as a tax credit that made it possible to suppose that they could technically be considered “payable” and, therefore, are in fact an expense which is estimated to be paid in full on deficit and debt: no longer an annuity but directly in the first year. It is natural that an accounting transaction of this kind would have significant effects on the general accounts of our country, given the amounts involved.

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In the European letter sent to Istat at the time, the possibility of multiple transfers was identified as the characteristic that would have made the final decision slide towards the concept of “payment”: this is because passing between the various subjects actually gives the possibility of the credit being fully exhausted quickly even if Partial “capacity” of some of the parties involved. So getting it out of the way would make it harder for Eurostat to turn it down.

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