Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The consequences put them to the extreme


An outcast broke the rules: dire consequences for all competitors at Isola dei Famosi.

Today, at the usual time of dayFamous Islandinformed production untouchables of disciplinary action after untouchable behavior that violates the rules of reality television.

Isola dei Famosi, saving for shipwrecked people who broke the rules: the consequences put them to the extreme

The relevant provision relates to the Argentine model, Estefania Bernal. 26 years old originally from In fact, Buenos Aires broke the rule prohibiting communication with the other group of untouchables who were divided into In two teams: Cucaracha and Tiburn. The model that belongs to the Tiburon team interacted with her Gwendalina Tavasibelong to the opposite team.

Punishment only relevant name stefania, but the whole group, it’s clearly generating collective resentment. In fact, all outcasts will be deprived of shooting For 24 hours, necessary to climb food and cook food. This deprivation has shaken morale and various forms of intolerance.

Estafania, how did you come up with the idea to do such a thing? regrets” thunder Ilona Staller.

Obviously, this consideration is also supported by other competitors, such as blind And Jeremias Rodriguez:

I don’t like that you always say that “but that’s not right, it’s not right.” Then you tell the truth. Then you have to tell the truth right away. Apologizing is one thing, to laugh in the face of people who have no fire because of you. If I don’t do something by the rules and then laugh at you, is that okay?

According to them, in fact, stefaniaInstead of apologizing and feeling responsible for this shortcoming, try to downplay what happened:

What do you think I should do? Do I have to get on my knees? Of course, I don’t like putting out the fire.

Find out the latest news onFamous Island

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