Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tax bills and debts that will disappear forever with the new reform


Tax bills, these debts will be cancelled and disappear forever, as stipulated in the collection decree.

Tax bills and debts to be cancelled – (Codiciateco.it)

some Debts They can’t be anymore. Collectedthe Tax bills The ones that contain it will actually be destroyed and returned to the creditor institution. There will be a lot of news regarding the debts after Repair CollectionDecree 110 of 2024 received a lot of criticism when news of the acquittal leaked.

In fact, it was published just last year. August 7 It is now law, but the novelty will come into effect starting from January 1, 2025Bills entrusted to a collection agent will be returned to the creditor if they are not collected within five years. The entity will be able to decide whether to entrust them to the same collection agent or not. Cancels The credit was finally cancelled, as it was deemed uncollectible.

Tax invoices

In 2025, the new decree will become law.
Bad debts – (Codiciatco.it)

Under the provisions of this procedure, it is not intended to cancel all unclaimed bills, but only one. Layoff Collection Agent Debts to allow the IRS to remove amounts from the balance sheet. The Collection Decree states that for all tax bills assigned to the Revenue Agency that have not been collected by December 31, Quinto year Next time, it will be buried automatically.

to’Revenue Agency Furthermore, he will be free to send a discharge notice to the entity holding the balance at any time. expectedThis possibility is valid when the debtor’s bankruptcy is proven, the debtor has no assets, and there are no new assets compared to those taken into account that did not allow for the recovery of the amounts due.

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Bad debt, what does it mean?

According to the decree, the possibility of exemption from service can occur even before five years have passed. The cancellation of debts should be based not only on the time spent, but also on others. ElementsSuch as the period in which the debt arose, its amount, the actual possibilities of its recovery and the financial situation of the debtor. Moment A debtor Unable to pay the debts he has incurred, this credit turns into Tax bill.

In this way the risk is to activate some procedures. groupsometimes forcibly, involving the use of administrative detention, mortgage or mortgageIn these cases, the best thing you can do is comply. However, in some circumstances, debts are taken into consideration. Not collectibleOr it is unlikely to be collected for various reasons. In this particular case the folder is expected to be automatically deleted.


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