Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sunday’s Dragy American Commentator Lesson (and Conte)


The skepticism of some politicians about the idea of ​​contact between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin that Mario Draghi in Washington as usual has been crafted is unfounded. Now everyone should realize – and this also applies to the world of information – that when Draghi says something that was never a coincidence, it will never be “the sound of an invalid Sin Harp then call-back”, in the words of Metastasio.

It was clear that the direct relationship between the United States and Russia would not be achieved with a direct phone call between the two heads of state but with a connection on a slightly lower level, as happened yesterday with the phone call between the US Under Secretary of State. Defense Lloyd Austin and his Russian counterpart Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Is it a turning point? We will soon say, but it is certainly a novelty of great importance even if it certainly does not, and cannot, lead to a fundamental change, but it is already essential for the United States to take a step to ask the Russians for a cease-fire, a sign that conditions on the ground have changed a lot . This was also illustrated by Draghi in the American capital by distinguishing between the former, when David and Goliath were facing each other, and now, when Goliath is gone, already retreating from a crucial position like Kharkiv.

In light of these two very important news stories of yesterday, the American lesson for the Italian prime minister should be re-read from top to bottom, because now it is clear that he played a certain role in the work of persuading Biden perhaps still a lot. Within the scheme.. so far morally unexceptional: direct confrontation with the Moscow butcher and very strong support for the democratic government in Kyiv.

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His experience in the international field was of great importance in Draghi’s plan, as it is clear that covering the role of the European Central Bank entails a role of absolute importance on the world stage; And then also, as has been said many times, his personal human and political influence on the American president, who is probably Draghi’s strength greater than that of all other European leaders.

With all this in mind, it’s totally counterproductive to think that Mario Draghi went to Washington to take orders as some extremists said Sunday, but it’s also provincial to think he revealed himself in the search for a possible bipartisan rapprochement. Interested parties. Only to impress Italian pacifists to Giuseppe Conte in light of the parliamentary debate next Thursday, a date the prime minister arrives firmly in, despite the yellow and green excesses and unexpected requests, however credible – Carlo Cottarelli wrote – to go to the vote in October. The truth is that Italian riders have an opinion and how. This is a fact. Nothing can compare to Giuseppe’s and Donald Trump’s fats. Luckily.


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