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Spring 2022, the trend for April and May is getting interesting. There is news »

Weather: Spring 2022, the trend for April and May has become very interesting. There is news

Spring: between the late cold periods and the first heat of the season Once it became definitely unreliable and was merely a subject of study and interest for curiosity and passion, the Monthly or even seasonal trends I am now Valid tool from Scientific prognosis, with critical contributions to long-term climate assessment.

direction for May Spring 2022 be especially fun And the Among the vicissitudes of winter The Prime Minister hot fires. In fact, the update starts to identify a very accurate image with files turbulence At the level of the hemisphere: in short, we are risking another upside down season On the weather front with the latest projections that leave us speechless!
It seems they are there Bad News For summer lovers: let’s try to understand what can happen in the coming months.

After the beginning of March with winter characteristics, based on Latest updates Central Europe, between the end of March and April, a somewhat anomalous scenario appears to emerge, especially with regard to Temperatures, in line with what was just said. At the moment, in fact, it seems that the calorific values ​​will increase Far beyond the average climatic up to +2°C Especially in the Iberian Peninsula and much of Eastern Europe.

Is it Italy? Our country will find itself in a kind of forgotten Where it is likely to be expected yes above average temperature values ​​for both April and May, with sunny days and The first heat of the seasonbut also More fickle side of springwith risks winter horse tail and extreme weather events.

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Long-term expectations actually do not rule out Possibility from U.S Somewhat live streaming Descending from the North Atlantic at the beginning of the month April, a flow that can on several occasions lead to disturbances (and consequent deposits), first over Western Europe, and then also over Italy. here is the sidevolatile“From the spring season, mainly due to Meridian exchanges (from north to south) typical of the intermediate seasons, when the air masses are still free to circulate throughout the continent.
In particular, the ingress of cold and unstable drafts at high altitudes can act as a catalyst for an outbreak, even sudden, of severe thunderstormsoften accompanied by HailEspecially during the noon hours and at least until The second ten days of Apriland thus also includes the period of the Easter holidays (Easter will be on Sunday 17th April). Should not be excluded then The twists and turns of last winter Able to bring back the cold even for a few days in our areas, with Snow falling down to lower elevations As has already happened in the recent past (2018, 2017, 2003) until May doors!
With this kind of dynamics, our northern central regions will be the most exposed.

In short, we live more and more in a kind of swing with alternating between long Anti-vortex phases Characterized by above-average temperatures and sudden blasts of cold air capable of unleashing extreme weather events. These are the signs of climate change underway and the effects are increasingly evident on our country as well.

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Temperature anomalies for the month of April (source ecmwf)Temperature anomalies for the month of April (source ecmwf)