Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Space: ‘We live in a huge paradise’ | Our constellation is limitless, things that will amaze you – Video – News


The universe never ceases to amaze us, and the better our technology gets, the more we can capture the true wonders.

In the broad cosmic scenario, the concept of No final It defies our understanding, but the story of the universe is one that invites us to explore the vastness around us. Since ancient times, man has looked up at the night sky in wonder, trying to understand its nature. twinkling stars.

As science has advanced, we have uncovered deeper and deeper secrets, discovering that the universe is constantly expanding, a cosmic ballet moving farther and farther from our central vision.

The universe, as we know it today, began approximately 13.8 billion years ago With the Big Bang, the primordial explosion that gave rise to everything that exists. From that moment, spacetime began to expand, bringing with it matter and energy. This expansion has been proven by the work of astronomers Edwin Hubble.

Galaxies, those vast collections of stars, gas, and dust, organize themselves into larger structures: galaxies. Groups of galaxiesThese groups in turn come together. Super clustersIt forms a kind of cosmic network that extends over unimaginable distances.

structure of the universe

Laniakea, one of the largest known superclusters, contains approximately 100,000 galaxiesincluding us milky wayand extends to 500 million light yearsIts mass is amazing, equal to 100 trillion times This massive structure is not just a clump of matter, but a region where gravitational forces interact on a cosmic scale, driving the motion of galaxies within it.

The discovery of Laniakea has expanded our view of the universe, showing us how small we are compared to the vastness of the universe. However, it also sky It is only a small part of the visible universe, spanning approximately 90 billion light years According to current estimates. This reminds us that the universe is much larger than we can imagine, an ocean of space and time in which our galaxy is just a drop.

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Laniakea Giant Cluster (Deep Sky Image) – www.aerospacecue.it

Discovery of Laniakea

To fully understand the vastness of Laniakea, we must consider the structure of the universe itself. The visible universe is made up of galaxies that cluster together into groups, which in turn form superclusters, creating a cosmic web of filaments and voids. This is complex. cosmic fabric It is the result of billions of years of evolution, guided by the laws of physics and the interaction of living organisms. Dark matter And dark energy.

In 2014, a team of scientists announced their discovery. skyUsing detailed measurements of the motion of galaxies, the discovery revealed a previously unknown connection between galaxies, explaining how they move together toward a common gravitational point.


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