Photographer Oliviero Toscani interviewed Corriere della Sera He said he was suffering from a “terminal disease”, and woke up (social) users close to the unvaccinated environments. In the last hours, many posts have appeared “The sad end of a Tuscan who has been hit by the vaccine boom (and ‘fucked in this regard’) in a particularly heavy way”, we read in the professor’s post Paolo Piccia well-known anti-vaccinationist, who during the pandemic was among the 150 signatories of the university professors’ appeal against the green corridor. But also: “Oliviero Toscani: Novavax are troglodytes and cavemen, the vaccine must become mandatory. Who knows, back in those days, the friendly Oliviero would have repeated those experimental serological vaccinations that seem to have done him so much good …”, wrote another user, referring to the photographer’s own positions in favor of vaccines.
Interviewed in 2021 by Mosquito We are Radio 24Commenting on the current headlines, about the Covid pandemic and the vaccination campaign, Olivieri criticized those who have denied, and continue to deny, the effectiveness of vaccines: “The anti-vaxxers are cavemen and cavemen. The Covid vaccine is the most civilized thing in the world. It should be mandatory, as when the smallpox program was mandatory in primary school. Anyone who does not want to do it is stupid and reckless, you have to do it out of education towards yourself and others. And people should get vaccinated – he specified – just as they have to pay taxes. If you do not do it, you are a criminal. Whoever does not want to do it is a criminal.” Anti-vaxxers have taken up these statements to attack – as expected – the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their consequences.
Cover photo: Ansa/ Elvira Serra / Corriere Serra
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