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Shrove Tuesday Cold Impulse From Russia, Plain Snow »ILMETEO.it


Monday, February 28 Editorial Media: Shrove from Russia Tuesday Cold Impulse, Snow on the Plains

Shrove until Tuesday, cold pulse from Russia, snow on the plains

Monday 28th February

The blizzard, which began to blow directly over Italy from Russia’s glaciers, has not seemed to subside since the weekend.
At least until the last day of the carnival, Shrove TuesdayThe site www.iLMeteo.it, which we will have to deal with this cold wind, warns that after Monday, February 28, only the southern and central Adriatic region will be mostly cloudy, with the Central-North mostly stable and sunny. Fresh frost will blow across the country from the first hour on Tuesday, March 1st: Time will get worse once again March, Abruzzo, Molise, Buglia Then பசிலிக்காட்டா And Calabria. This new cool breeze will come along Widespread rain The result may be Snowfall, Up to the plains and Adriatic beaches at least early in the morning. So whitening hotels like scales San Benedetto del Tronto, Torreto Lido, Francoville is a mayor, Wide And Thermoli.
In Carcano the snow and scales are mixed with the rain Barry In the first hours.

The situation will change drastically after this innumerable ice push; The high pressure of the Azores will return to expand in our country Guaranteed atmospheric stability for a few days, decisive cooling of the air and a slight increase in maximum and minimum temperatures.


Monday 28. North: Weil. Center: Unstable on Abruzzo and Molise. South: Rainfall in Puglia, Basilicotta and north-central Sicily.

Tuesday, March 1st. North: High clouds in the northwest, rare showers, sun in other places. Center: Rain and snowfall in southern March, Abruzzo and Molise. South: Very unstable with rain and snow in the mountains.

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Wednesday 2. North: Clear skies. Center: Scattered clouds over Abruzzo and Molise only. South: Occasionally cloudy, with occasional showers.

The clouds have been increasing in all western parts since Thursday and then it will get worse in Sardinia.


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