Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Reggio Calabria, newborn in respiratory failure rescued by police in Aspromonte


A mid-August trip threatens to turn into a tragedy for a family from Cittanova, Reggio Calabria. A 5-month-old baby girl, while in Aspromonte with her parents and relatives, began to feel unwell and was unresponsive to stimulation. After efforts to wake her failed, the two parents realized that the girl had stopped breathing and decided to run to Palistena, a municipality in Piana di Gioia Taro, where the nearest hospital is located. Traffic jams made travel difficult for the busy family. Soldiers of the Carabinieri, realizing the seriousness of the situation, made way for the car in which the girl was traveling with sirens blaring. En route, they radioed their operations center to request one more ambulance intervention into the valley and enlisted the help of other patrols in the circuit to clear roads and block intersections.

A girl who has recovered from danger

The two cars later reached Novigrad, where the girl was placed in car 118 with her mother and father and medical staff immediately began cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers. After regaining its rhythm and breathing, the ambulance, accompanied by the Carabinieri, set off in code red towards the Palistena Hospital, where it was possible to receive the necessary treatment. Now he is beyond danger. “Thanks to them, I can still hold my little Iolanda in my arms,” ​​commented the girl’s father, thanks to the two soldiers who immediately intervened, both on duty at the Novigrad station.

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