Monday, October 7, 2024

NASA finds carbon dioxide frozen during the winter of Mars, what is the reason for this phenomenon?


Intriguing new information has arrived straight from Mars, the current planet that appears to be the most studied by scientists ever. We think what they discovered is truly incredible; What exactly are we talking about, and why is it so important?

These studies are fundamental to a better understanding of these phenomena – Computermagazine.jt

The Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter from NASA It is an American agency investigation launched in 2005 In order to analyze the Martian atmosphere and observe planet from aboveand perhaps also to look for a possible future landing place. Originally it should not have lasted in orbit more than Two yearsbut thanks to the capabilities of the space agency it has to complete to use it without any problem.

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What makes Devicehowever, is the fact that MRO telescope Very strong con se, or high-resolution imaging science experiment, short for highrisewhich captures holographic images of Mars with a stretch topographic accuracy from 0.25 meters. Thanks to these advanced tools, we can study an image glazed frost from Marsespecially the crater of a volcano in the southern part of planet.

The origin of this ice formation

NASA finds carbon dioxide frozen during the winter of Mars, what is the reason for this phenomenon?
Mars once again presented an ambiguous situation –

what they have Discovery with the new The image is important: it was foundanhydride carbonic frozen. Looks like it happened in the winter planet red It can be very cold, not surprising Temperatures Near the poles go down to –125°C. For this reason, on the surface of some areas Mars A layer of dry ice can form, and this is only frost from anhydride carbonic.

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during the Four months of winter Frost is able to spread from the poles up to The middle latitudes of the planetat about 50 degrees, as it begins to melt at the bottom warm sunshine practically. However, it appears that a file The latest generation of probes I also identified small spots of frost on nearest slopes at the equator, facing the pole. These areas show some Temperatures more the cold Because they get less sunlight, this means that it carries carbon dioxide frost do not melt. In doing so it remains frozen to very the timeJust as you can see from the photos posted Online.


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