They did not make any demands when supported by their party Luciano D’AmicoA candidate of the all-united center-left Regional Inside Abruzzo. Forty days later, when his own party decided to compete with the circus pirouettes, they didn’t move a muscle. Vito BardsThe outgoing president and center-right candidate were all united Regional Inside Basilicata. Now instead Enrico Costa — his companion in a thousand battles — still found fur Mariastella gelmini, Mara Carfagna e QC Versace They panicked and decided to give up action To reacquaint yourself with the more comfortable and familiar center right. They were all shocked on the way to Calenda when Berlusconi supporters decided to withdraw their faith. Draghi government In the summer of 2022.
The Kalendian party “notes with regret” and says it “welcomed and honored them at an important moment in their political journey”. One door closes and another opens for three MPs Center-rightWhere they came from long ago. Callandians, however, do not understand this and express surprise at this situation, three historical manifestations of the center-right Get on board An idea is imminent Political elections Now they want to return to the political sphere where they were born, raised and flourished. “We respect individual preferences – we read in the shocked note – but we consider the transition from opposition to majority radical and inconsistent. Halfway through the assembly This violates the mandate of the electorate. A practice that contributes to alienating citizens from politics. Where the citizenry is placed, there will be action: at the center, against the government, and will continue to work to build an alternative. A failed dichotomy“.A tactic to reduce the Action Parliament groups to a minimum. And – this worsens the judgment on the criteria of executive leaders – until today Gelmini was the undersecretary, i.e. the number 2 of the mini-party behind the Calenda, Carfagna was its leader. The Action Subcommittee in the Senate – within the mix – is now a Small group: Kalenda and only Marco Lombardo. He is a former member, coming from the Democratic Party of Bologna, where he was also a councillor.
Gelmini, Carfagna and Versace state in the minutes that their flight occurred due to what they defined as a “decision to enter the broad field” in the “three regions that will vote in the autumn”, ie. Emilia-Romagna, Umbria e Liguria. A former minister in one of Berlusconi’s governments said, “It is unacceptable to enter a broad field in an inclusive coalition. 5 star operation and left Bonelli e Fratoiani“. Versace wanted a “strong, moderate and liberal center”, but it went the way it did: “After six months the plan began to fail, leaving open wounds and disillusioned many of our voters. It was difficult to motivate people and territories, but I felt it was my duty to continue working on mobilizing and organizing a group. In this past year – he added – in spite of myself, I accepted choices I did not fully agree with, which led the party even faster to the center-left”. Apart from decisions about local elections, such as regional elections in forty days, Calenda continues to deny wanting to join the center-left ( It’s worth pointing out, whatever it’s called. After this new cruise, Gelmini, Carfagna and Versace’s new safe harbor are unknown Republic The former minister is to be welcomed We are moderatesAnother small party at the helm Mauricio Wolves.
But within this total chaos there is another segment within the action. This is because Carfagna had not officially announced his farewell at the time of Calendians’ note. “I learn from an agency note that I have withdrawn from action – explains the former minister with a hint of humor -. It was a decision I matured, but I felt I had to make it public in a more serious and less obvious way.” The deputy confirms his opposition to “starting an ‘exclusive’ dialogue with the left”, but – he says – will have talked about it with Calenda tomorrow. “The option to join a broad-based candidature in all three regions where voting is – he continues – right Carlo Calendar: He founded Azione, and he carried it forward Great personal sacrificesis the leader. But my history and my opinions prevent him from following that path, which is clearly a precursor to general agreements with the left.” But unlike Gelmini and Versace, Carfagna promises to “open up this debate tomorrow afternoon at a convened board meeting, in front of members and managers, who will cooperate.” And I want to thank you for the friendship. Always proven to me. The action note clearly prevents me from doing so, and I regret it: I have always made my political choices transparent.”
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