Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mourning for Marco Mingoni: his mother Nadia Ferrari has passed away


Marco dedicated his win in Sanremo in 2023 and his song Los in 2021 to her.

September 23 – 8.49am – Milan

Deep mourning for the singer-songwriter Marco Mengoni. the mom Nadia Ferrari She passed away yesterday, Sunday, September 22, after a long struggle with an illness that the young artist preferred not to announce. The 60-year-old woman died in Ronciglione, in the province of Viterbo, where she was born and where she had always lived.

Marco Mengoni, his mother Nadia Ferrari passed away

The sad news was shared through a Facebook page run by Marco Mengoni fans, Ronciglioni to Marco: “News that leaves us stunned… in disbelief… We said goodbye on August 3rd during the Marco Warrior Competition… Your bright smile will remain imprinted in my heart as will your sweetness.”

Marco Mengoni has preferred to stay away from social networks in these difficult hours, but his fans show him all their closeness by commenting on the 35-year-old’s latest posts on Instagram. Always very close to his mother Nadiato whom he also dedicated a song, Lucciis on Matria (Terra), his sixth album.

Marco’s dedication to his mother Nadia

“Defend me from the long winters, from all the doubts I have, from the world that awaits me outside, from my doubts, from my mistakes that I will soon make again,” Marco sang with these emotional words. A song dedicated to his motherWho addressed him directly in the chorus: “You are my light and you always shine within the soul. You shine above every cloud that the sun is even at the bottom of a tear. And you can never hurt. You never hurt. I am never bad.”

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“I dedicated a song to my mother, in the first video, ‘Changing Man,’ my parents were there, they’re the people I love the most, so they had to be there in this moment of my life, in this moment of change and growth that I’ve faced myself in a lot.” Marco said on the occasion of the release: matter (land)“When there is growth I instinctively think of my parents, of how much I have grown, of all the imprints, of all the values ​​and stability they have given me, but on the other hand also of the instability, of the freedom to choose what I will do with my life, because they have never held me back.”

Nadia has always been a fundamental figure in Marco’s artistic career. It was she who introduced him to blues and gospel, two genres that deeply influenced Ronciglione. The win at the Sanremo Festival 2023 is dedicated to her. Two lives: “I dedicate this festival to the woman who brought me into the world. I have to thank life for making me overcome the powerful experiences that shape you and make you grow. I am talking about the private experiences of life that are very delicate.”


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