Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mixed Patrol and Penalty, Guide to the Green Route on Bus and Metro


The new government will take effect on December 6 Super Green Boss, Provides access to public transportation and the use of the ordinary green pass. Public transport officials are expected to accompany police to carry out the search. Anyone found without a green pass will be fined between 600 and 1000 euros.

Tests can only be performed On board And not before or after getting in and out of the vehicle. Sample tests will be conducted at the same time as the ticket is requested. These decisions were taken by Minister Louisiana Lamorkis, who met with the heads and quests of the regional capitals via video conference.Providing indications about the programming of services aimed at verifying the possession of a ‘Green Pass’ after the enactment of the Legal Order. 172/2021, which provides new and more drastic measures to control the spread of Govt-19The meeting was also attended by the Director General of Public Security, Lamberto Giannini, Commander-in-Chief of the Carabinieri, Theo Luci, and Giuseppe Viganolo, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Cardia de Finance.

The government does not want to leave any stone unturned so that the tests can be carried out properly Inflexible. Minister Lamorquez specifically called for them to be implemented.Strict restrictions on green certification should be focused on, especially in areas and times when people visit in large numbers“In vehicles (trams, subways, buses) and in general, in the control service, mixed patrols will be operated.”At this very subtle stage of public health“, They are called”Give as much as you can and act responsibly but do what is necessary Confident“.

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But Louisiana Lamorgis’ talk was not just about local public transportation, it was done on a large scale. The Home Minister, in fact, asked for everyone’s cooperation Merchants And trade unions need to carry out even tougher tests, especially as the introduction of the Super Green Pass is planned. Politician leaders, ”the minister explained.In the context of the Provincial Committees for Public Order and Safety, it was requested to develop specialized devices for checks of local public transport users in a shared manner with service providers.“.


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