Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Medical expenses, in Italy in 2024, one in two families will not be able to support them – QuiFinanza


In Italy in 2024, families who cannot afford medical expenses, live in the central south and have a non-university level of education will increase

Published: 10-6-2024 19:44Updated: 10-6-2024 19:44

inflation in Italy In the 2024 It also affects Medical expenses Of families, in one out of two cases, are forced to give up treatment because they are unable to pay for it. These are the not very reassuring data that have emerged from the latest edition of the Altroconsumo thermometer which mainly aims to analyze the “temperature” of the economic situation of Italian households. Who will feel the hit the most in 2024 when it comes to medical expenses is… Middle classWith wages remaining largely stable, prices rise. This phenomenon certainly seems to be becoming more apparent Central SouthWhile the impact is less in the northern part of the country.

Medical expenses in Italy in 2024

The right to health explicitly stated in the Italian Constitution seems to suffer – to some extent – from this strong phenomenon Inflationary Which was of interestItaly And the rest of the world. According to the Altroconsumo study, which took a sample of 3,000 Italians as a reference, well One of two families You won’t be able to maintain it Medical expenses necessary. What often prevents treatment is the high cost Visit medicalAnd also from Dental treatment.

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Medical expenses are incurred less frequently in the Mid-South

It is also interesting to note the geographical distribution in Italy of the difficulty of support Medical expenses. It is not surprising that this phenomenon is more evident in areas of the country characterized by low incomes and where the middle class suffers more than others from strong inflation. The peak inability to afford the necessary visits and treatments is recorded Umbria, Campania H Calabria. Fortunately there are also cases of higher rates in the southern region of Italy, with areas such as Sicily Which records indicators not very far from those in the north.

However, the inability to pay for medical expenses is significantly less pronounced Nord OffsetConsequently, families find it more difficult to deal with the costs of visits. Especially in Liguria, Lombardy H PiedmontFamilies are well able to cope with the inflationary phenomenon and do not have to give up medical care.

The data from the Altroconsumo analysis reveals, once again, an Italy that was in the 1930sAnity goes at two very different speeds Between north and south.

Medical expenses, which families find very difficult to support

The Altroconsumo thermometer also allows you to drawIdentity of Italian families it is in 2024 They find it more difficult to deal with it Medical expenses that they need. In addition to the geographical location described above, the Eligible And the Level of economic well-being From family members. In fact, when both partners in the family are graduates, minor difficulties in dealing with medical expenses are recorded, while problems are mainly recorded in cases where family members do not have a university degree or have high levels of education lower than those from school. high school.

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It also has a lot of influence The number of people Which constitute the family unit: As this number increases, more obvious difficulties in supporting medical expenses actually appear. To try to summarize, those who cannot cover medical expenses in Italy in 2024 are mostly large families, where the partners do not have a university degree and live in the central and southern regions.


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