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Lombardy, sit-in against healthcare reform: "They're still doing privatization, like the supermarket. They haven't learned anything from these two years"

Lombardy, sit-in against healthcare reform: “They’re still doing privatization, like the supermarket. They haven’t learned anything from these two years”

“Region Didn’t learn anything From the pandemic and errors. With the new fix would like To turn healthcare into a supermarketTwo years after what is known as the official start of the Covid epidemic in Italy, al-Qaeda committees and trade unions gathered in front of a building Lombardy region To protest the reform that the majority wants. “This fix More privatization public health service and we can’t accept it” Vittorio Agnoletto From the non-profit Democratic Medicine Organization. “We came to the conclusion that community homes can be built by the public but then can be managed by the private sector.” Angelo Barbato, of the Mario Negri Institute, depicts the image of a supermarket “where you go in and choose what you want, without priorities and without decisions tied to the region.” The accusation is to assign a private individual to run the health services “make money on disease, not on health and prevention.”

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