Saturday, September 7, 2024

It is very hot and not only in Italy, temperatures reach 12 ° C above average over half of Europe. Here’s the status and predictions «3B Meteo


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Eve of the last week of October In clear contrast to the already anomalous trend of the past weeks, More warming awaits us which will cover all of Europe except for the northeast corner. african cyclone He has no intention of retreating, and on the other hand, the weak activity of the Atlantic depression heading west will give him a helping hand. Warm air will continue to spread widely reach even higher latitudes, No European country will suffer from autumn conditions With the exception of part of the Scandinavian peninsula and Russia that will already experience more extreme cold conditions than usual.

Among the hottest countries are Spain, France, northern Italy and southeastern Europe. Here the maximums can reach 12 °C higher than the averages for this period. This means that we will have 30°C peaks in Spain, Italy and Greece and up to 28°C over western France, practically as if it was May or June. The anomalous temperature will also affect the rest of Europe Above-average altitudes in Germany, England and southern Scandinavia But with slightly less positive deviations. However, 22/23 °C can be reached at Berlin oi 20/21 °C from Warsaw and London. No need to talk about the cold and it will last all week with major deviations (+8/12°C above average) which will shift from Wednesday to Thursday towards Central Europe.

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