Friday, September 20, 2024

Ihemeje wins the NCAA title on 17.14


Eugene (USA) – Great performance by the trio Emmanuel Emeji at NCAA . FinalsThe jumper from Bergamo at Eugene Stadium (Oregon), which will host the 2022 World Cup, win the title Repeating the success achieved in the futsal season with more than seventeen meters again: 17.14 (1.8 wind), the second career measures only a few centimeters off a personal best of 17.26 set indoors, and the first +17 meters in an outdoor competition. Moreover, it is still not fully functional: 12 support instead of 14. Excellent news, therefore, in light of Tokyo Olympics who has in his pocket the qualification standard, which was confirmed again during the night, down to the centimeter (17.14).

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big feelings, Atmosphere stratosphere – Reza Trio in a duck shirt – I had a goal and I managed to achieve it: regain the title! Head down, there’s still plenty to work on at the moment, so let’s enjoy this title. Next step, absolute Rovereto.” The 22-year-old athlete from Atlética Estrada will return to Italy for the Italian top flag, scheduled for June 25-27 at the Quercia Stadium. Other Blues in the League Finals: Helen X pocket At auction for 4.20 (South Dakota/ATL. Brescia 1950 Metallurgica San Marco), in Sarah’s 10th javelin Zabarino (Florida / Acsi Italia Atletica) at 53.51, Ilaria 15th Casaroto (UCLA/Atl. Vicenina) 52, 80.


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