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Here's how anti - Govt controls can be strengthened in Green Pass, Bergamo and the province

Here’s how anti – Govt controls can be strengthened in Green Pass, Bergamo and the province

Pergamon is preparing for Monday, December 6, the day on which the rules for the use of the Antigovit certificate will be further restricted, especially at Christmas and the beginning of the year, due to the last approved mandate to control the spread of the Covit 19 virus.

New measures to prevent and combat the worsening of the epidemic emergency have imposed the need to review and restructure the control system currently in place in the Orobi region.

On Friday morning, a technical coordination meeting was held at Questura Questura, chaired by Pergamon State Police Chief Mauricio Ariamma.

, Which includes representatives of various police forces, local police forces and representatives of local and provincial transport companies. Timely and integrated services have been planned and prepared to ensure maximum compliance with the obligations established by the new law.

Tests by various police forces and local police, each in its own specific capacity area.

In urban areas with high concentrations of business establishments and “nightlife”, peak hours, weekends and the Christmas holidays were strengthened.

As for public transport, the police forces, the state police, Arma de Carabinieri and Cardia de Finance,

They will be supported by employees of local transport companies


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Therefore, patrols dedicated to these new restrictions in the city and province will be guaranteed

With the contribution of various specialties of the State Police in the road, rail and airport sectors.

Areas where the regulatory activities of law enforcement agencies are concentrated have been identified

“Plans to continue testing to control the spread of Govt-19 virus in the state of Bergamo”

, Accepted Friday, December 3, by Enrico Ricci, prefect of Bergamo.

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