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Even the prime minister with flickering, Moise's umbrella in Guardiola - Sports

Hearing the attack on Capitol Hill, the Pentagon chief took action on Italy’s role – the world

Then Minister of Defense Christopher MillerAt the request of White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, he telephoned the US military attache in Rome to investigate the rumor that Italian satellites (by Leonardo, editor) shifted votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Miller himself testified in an affidavit conveyed in the courtroom by the commission investigating the assault on the Capitol. This rumor, turned into a conspiracy theory, was dubbed “utter insanity” by former Justice Department number two Richard Donoghue.

Donald Trump He was deeply disappointed by the inaction of the Ministry of Justice to address his allegations of election fraud Tried to blow up interim attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, to be replaced by a mysterious but satisfied executive from the same department. This was confirmed by Rosen himself, one of the witnesses called to testify at the Parliamentary Committee’s fifth public hearing on January 6, which today focused on the former president’s pressure on the Department of Justice to cancel the vote.

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