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Green light from CDM to resolution assistance twice. Draghi: ‘Providing extraordinary proportions’ – Politics

Bis assistance decree approved: Council of Ministers Gave the green light to judge.

The bis assistance decree approved today by the CDM takes effect.”15 billion, plus two additional measures “for a total of 17 billion added to approximately 35 billion” Of the rules the government has already passed during the year, Prime Minister Mario Draghi said at a press conference, stressing it is “a large proportion of GDP, more than two percentage points”. Draghi added that the decree approved today is of “extraordinary proportions”, then spending “one word on the method: the procedure – he said – was shared with social partners, majority and opposition parties. I thank everyone who participated in it. This participation and in particular I would like To thank Minister Franco – and he concluded – who produced this year and last year 3 financial statements?

The annual growth achieved so far is 3.4%, which is more than what was expected for the whole of 2022. “It’s a very positive number even when compared to all the other countries,” the prime minister said, speaking of a “really extraordinary” growth. Growing more than France and Germany,” he spoke of clouds on the horizon with “worrying forecasts for the future” as we prepare to face the third and fourth quarters.

In the help dl bis are given “ Extension of bills and fuel procedures, pension reassessment and further reduction in the tax wedge Slightly higher than that introduced “in the Cabinet, but also” measures to support agricultural companies against drought and measures for local authorities.

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“We intervene with fixed balances and do not use any deviation because the economic direction is better – added Draghi – and thanks to the ability of Italians, families and companies and also to the economic policy of the government that has supported the economy without hesitation while maintaining the goal of reducing the deficit and debt / GDP.”

As for workers, the Minister of Economy said: “In the budget law, we have already reduced social contributions by 0.8%, this reduction for the second half goes to 2%, we add 1.2%.” Daniel Franco At a press conference after the CD, about the intervention on the wedge. “With a ministerial decision worth 700 million, the 25 cents reduction in tax duties on gasoline and diesel has been extended until September 20.”

Press conference

Bonetti: ‘At the CDM he refused a request for money for a check for families’
“Of the funds for the individual allowance, 630 million euros were made unused for ‘under-estimated’ requests and for the fact that 20% of families did not submit an ISEE and therefore chose to receive the minimum amount.” Minister For the family identified by Elena Bonetti on Facebook, she added That in the Clean Development Mechanism “today I requested that these resources be used to enhance the allocations of low-income families. The proposal did not have the endorsement of any of the seated parties – neither the Pd, the Lega nor the M5S – and Dl Aid assigned them to other actions.”

Orlando is asking for more smart business resources
In Cabinet, as far as is known, Labor Secretary Andrea Orlando was in favor of “the need to expand smart work for the vulnerable and parents of under 14s” and would also insist on a further reduction in labor taxes. For now, no technical conditions have been set, but Minister Orlando confirmed that during the transfer he will continue to “work to identify resources.”

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Cdm Agrees To Authorize Criminal Reform
The Council of Ministers, to the best of its knowledge, approved the legislative decree on the implementation of the law in force for the reform of criminal trial.