There are 53,127 new infections Govt In the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday it was 54,230, a week, or Friday, March 4, 38,095: an increase of 39%. Instead 156 people were affected (136 yesterday). “There has been a reversal in the course of the curve this week, Which has been declining in recent weeks, and now we see a curve beginning to rise again. Even at the European level, some countries are reporting a re-emergence of new cases in line with Italian data, ”said the head of the Higher Health Institute. Silvio Brucefero, Commenting on weekly monitoring data. The cycle of the virus “is still very active in the young and in all regions – he notes – there is an increase in the number of new cases”.
There are 425,638 molecular and antigenic buffers Carried out, was 453,341 yesterday. The positive rate was 12.5%, up from 12% yesterday. On the other hand, 527 patients were admitted for intensive care, the balance between entry and exit was 19 less than yesterday. Daily Admission 35. The number of hospital admissions in ordinary wards is 8,274 or 140 less than yesterday. “‘S spread Under the Omicron BA.2 variantInternational evidence suggests that Omicron is more contagious than BA.1. ” But there is a growth in the number of new infections in all of themThe scientist pointed out that “when we look at the data that describe the” commitment “of health care services to Kovid patients, we see a decline in the intensive care and medical areas.”
“The number of new vaccines this week is very low The number of children aged 5 to 11 who have started the vaccination cycle is very low, Fortunately the number of people over the age of 50 who have completed the vaccination cycle is high – said the head of the Institute of Higher Health -. Number of people who have not started yet Vaccine cycle Is constant and equal to some MillionAnd it represents an important risk factor. “
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