Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cold and instability in temporary relief at start of week, then new Arctic flow hits Italy « 3B Meteo


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Merla’s first day It is still cold in Italy, but the instability is gradually easing and the start of the week will be slightly milder and sunny almost everywhere. Peace would be associated with a temporary expansion into central Europe and large parts of the Wedge Peninsula High pressure of Azorean origin It will keep us until Tuesday. Unless there are some unsettled winds led by a tense northwesterly wind that can bring some minor events to the extreme south, very little can reach our regions. An arctic origin linked to a deep cyclone over Scandinavia will move towards central Europe and try to reach part of the peninsula by Friday 3. But let’s go in order:

Evolution Monday-Tuesday: Monday The Azores anticyclone will extend its influence from the nearby Atlantic to western Europe, and cover most of the peninsula, leaving only the southern part exposed, which could see some minor events in the lower Tyrrhenian and lower Adriatic regions. Elsewhere, sunny with slightly rising temperatures, apart from scattered clouds over Sardinia and the medium-high Tyrrhenian Sea. Winds tend to be gusty or strong from the mistral. tuesday A fast impulse in the bed of northwesterly currents will cross the peninsula, bringing some patchy clouds over the Major Islands and the lower Adriatic, where there will be some isolated showers. Elsewhere the weather will be sunny except for some fog or mist in the northern plains in the morning. Maximum temperature will increase even more than the average in the northern regions. Winds from the Mistral are gusty or strong.

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Wednesday-Friday trend: The Azores anticyclone will target the UK, favoring the descent of Arctic currents from central-northern Europe towards Italy. These currents should enter the peninsula from Porta della Bora and create a fast low pressure minimum over the Ionian. The prediction will be confirmed On the evening of the 2nd and on the 3rd the Adriatic and southern areas will be subject to instability, a kind of instability, by reducing the temperature, it may snow up to low altitudes and even up to now it will not be excluded. Blank in some areas. With snow, even on the border of the Alps, along with the northern and central Tyrrhenian regions, sunny, but with downwind in cold weather. Due to the extreme vulnerability of the forecast, we advise you to follow all subsequent updates.

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