Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Birds in flight behave like atoms – Physics and Mathematics


In some circumstances deer behavior from elementary particles This is from Living things They can follow Same rulesThis is what was proven by the international study conducted by David Martin, from the University of Chicago, and Published In the journal Just. The finding could help us better understand some biological dynamics.

“IIn a sense, birds are flying atoms.“It may sound strange, but one of our key findings was that We understand that the way a crowd of people move on foot or a flock of birds in flight shares many similarities with particle physics systems.“.”

In the field Studies on mass movement It has always been thought that there is a qualitative difference between particles, such as atoms or molecules, and biological elements, from cells to a crowd of people or a flock of birds. Above all, it was thought that the transition from one kind of motion to another—for example, from chaos to an ordered flow, known as a phase transition—was quite different.

But analysis internal dynamics in Magnetic materials Researchers have found that they are also Much more similar than expected. and that TransformationsFor example, rapid herd movements occur in intermittently in all cases.

Moreover, it has also been observed to appear in ferromagnetic materials. stratified flows In a very similar way to what happens on a larger scale: when I A mass of people moving It is rare in fact that all individuals go in exactly the same direction, but rather they make themselves. Internal movements With groups following slightly different paths.

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