Sunday, October 13, 2024

Bank, if you make these moves you are taking a big risk: the Revenue Agency has already prepared a sensational fine


Risks and penalties are coming for those who do not care about banking transactions and tax checks.

deer tax It plays a crucial role in the country’s economy, serving as a major tool for Gather resources necessary to finance public services and infrastructure. Through the tax system, authorities can tax the income of citizens and companies, ensuring a continuous flow of revenue to the state budget.

Bank payments are one of the most important aspects of economic management for individuals and businesses. Each deposit and withdrawal operation can Tax implicationsSince the tax authorities use movements in current accounts to monitor the accuracy of tax returns, citizens and companies should therefore pay attention to how they manage their financial affairs to avoid problems with the tax authorities.

The relationship between taxes and bank accounts is complex and requires a good understanding of current regulations. Tax authorities can do this Check for suspicious movements A unusualUsing available information to assess the consistency of tax returns filed by taxpayers.

It is important for taxpayers to be aware of themselves. Tax responsibilities. Proper documentation and justification of banking transactions is essential to prove the legitimacy of your transactions.

Banking legal presumption and tax authorities

Recently, Court of Cassation And repeated the application of the banking legal presumption, as approved byArticle 32 of Presidential Decree No. 600 of 1973and its validity extends not only to business income, but also to compensation for self-employed workers. This legislation stipulates that payments made into a current account, if not duly justified, can be considered as undeclared income, or income hidden from the tax authorities. The Supreme Court has made it clear that professionals must provide valid evidence to prove that the money paid does not fall within their taxable income.

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This issue has already been addressed before. Constitutional Courtwhich declared the partial illegality of Article 32, and eliminated the term “compensation”. However, the Court stated that this change does not exclude the possibility of applying the presumption of payments. This means that if the professional does not justify the funds in his account, they can be used as a basis for tax adjustments. Furthermore, the jurisprudence distinguishes between payments and withdrawals, making the latter an indicator of expenditure but not necessarily of income.

Illustration of some workers (Pixabay image) –

Implications for the self-employed

Current legal guidance suggests that professionals will have to do this. Justify both deposits and withdrawals made.In fact, tax authorities can use withdrawals to prove the unreliability of accounting records, especially if they do not identify the beneficiary. This aspect is essential for monitoring tax revenues and ensuring the transparency of the financial operations of the self-employed. In essence, unrecorded withdrawals can provide evidence to the tax administration, contributing to a clearer picture of the income actually received.

Therefore, the banking legal presumption also applies to Self-employed compensationProfessionals must be prepared to justify every transaction in the checking account, since tax You will now have the ability to control your movements more effectively. This legislation represents an additional challenge for freelancers, who will have to pay more attention to documenting their financial transactions to avoid tax disputes.


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